Mini Mesos

Testing infrastructure for Mesos frameworks.


$ sudo curl | bash

This installs the minimesos jar into /usr/local/share/minimesos and the minimesos script in /usr/local/bin

Command line interface

$ minimesos up
$ curl -s | jq ".version"
$ minimesos destroy
Destroyed minimesos cluster 3878417609

Java API

In this snippet we're configuring the Mesos cluster to start 3 slaves with different resources.

public class MesosClusterTest {
    public static MesosCluster cluster = new MesosCluster(MesosClusterConfig.builder()
            .slaveResources(new String[]{"ports(*):[9200-9200,9300-9300]","ports(*):[9201-9201,9301-9301]","ports(*):[9202-9202,9302-9302]"})

    public void mesosClusterCanBeStarted() throws Exception {
        JSONObject stateInfo = cluster.getStateInfoJSON();
        Assert.assertEquals(3, stateInfo.getInt("activated_slaves"));

TDD for Mesos frameworks

A possible testing scenario could be:

  1. In the test setup launch the Mesos cluster container
  2. Call the scheduler directly from your test and point to zookeeper to detect the master or passing the master URL directly.
  3. The scheduler launches a task on a suitable slave.
  4. Poll the state of the Mesos cluster to verify that you framework is running
  5. The test utilities take care of stopping and removing the Mesos cluster

Mini Mesos

Creative Commons Licence Licenced under CC BY remember to play in collaboration with Container Solutions

Running on a mac

Create a docker machine, make sure its environment variables are visible to the test, ensure the docker containers' IP addresses are available on the host, and then build and run the tests:

# latest version of boot2docker.iso cannot be used
$ docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-memory 2048 --virtualbox-cpu-count 1 --virtualbox-boot2docker-url mini-mesos
$ eval $(docker-machine env mini-mesos)
$ sudo route delete; sudo route -n add $(docker-machine ip ${DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME})
$ ./gradlew clean build --info --stacktrace

In Idea, add the docker-machine env mini-mesos variables to the idea junit testing dialog. E.g.


Installing docker-machine on mac

Due to dependencies among versions of Docker, Mesos and docker-machine latest versions of can not be used

$ brew install homebrew/versions/docker171
$ brew link docker171
$ brew install docker-machine